

《動映地帶》成立至今已經超過28年﹐由當初的小型影話網站﹐發展至今日內容龐大﹐包括電影評論﹑ 專題﹑專訪﹑電影人檔案﹑論壇等多個欄目的巨型網站﹐獲得各界支持和愛護﹐成績得來不易﹐在此 首先和大家說一聲多謝。

網站上的內容和人事雖然曾經歷不少變動﹐唯一不變的﹐就是我們始終保持獨立的身份﹐一直以來的 運作開資﹐都是靠私人的注資支撐。由於網站內容日增﹐連帶開資亦相應增加﹐我們實在撐得非常吃力。 為了維持網站內容的質素和進一步擴充之餘﹐能夠保持網站的獨立性﹐現特此在這裡發表聲明﹐接受私人 贊助﹐希望能渡過難關。

Cinespot has been up online for more than 28 years. Starting from a tiny review website, it has become one of the largest and most beloved bilingual Asian cinema websites on the web. Our contents include movie reviews, special topics articles, interviews, profiles of filmmakers and many more. First of all, we would like to thank everyone who loves and supports our website.

Although the content, as well as the staff, of Cinespot have been changing constantly, what did not change is that as of now we are still maintaining an independent status, that means, the operation expense is "drained" from our own pocket. As our website is expanding regularly, the cost of running it is getting higher and higher, that we begin to find it difficult to afford. Therefore, in order to maintain the quality of the website and further expand it, we want to make an announcement here, asking for donation from devoted readers like you. We hope that through this donation campaign, we can get through this difficult time and continue to serve on the web.



最直接的支持方法﹐就是金錢贊助。付款的方式以Paypal(接受信用卡)為主﹐多少隨意﹐募得的款項將會 作為網站開資和增加人手之用。所有贊助者/團體的名字(除希望保持匿名外)將會刊在贊助專版上﹐ 以作致謝和表揚。所有贊助者請在付款後電郵通知我們﹐以作核實。


To make things clearer, here are the types of donations we are hoping to get:

  1. The most direct way is to donate money. We prefer paypal (credit card is accepted on paypal). Any amount is fine, and it will be used to offset the expense and hire helpers for the website. All sponsors (unless you want to keep anonymous) will be listed on a sponsor page. So if you have kindly made a donation, please remember to leave us an email.

  2. For other types of sponsoring or donation of a larger amount (yes it is rare, but who knows?), please contact us directly by email.



  • 我們打算重新推出《動映專訪》一欄(事實上﹐我們現已開始在努力中) ﹐部份資金將會用作基本運作及器材添置之用。

  • 我們有計劃重新設計網站架構﹐部分資金將用作程式籌建用途。

現階段我們不設目標款項的上限﹐但希望能夠籌得至少半年的運作資金﹐以作將來半年的排版和欄目構思的安排。由 於以上計劃龐大﹐我們並未統計出總共需要的數目﹐亦不奢望能夠一下子能夠籌足金錢全部進行﹐所以這將會是一次 長期的贊助行動。希望各位喜愛本站的朋友在能力範圍許可下能夠施以援手﹐讓《動映地帶》能夠繼續發展擴大﹐為廣 大的讀者群服務﹐努力推介亞洲電影到世界各地。

大家請放心﹐若我們未能籌得足夠資金﹐基於對於亞洲電影的支持和一夥義無反顧的熱愛之心﹐網站亦會在我們本 身的資金用盡前繼續運作﹐內容則在能力範圍之內盡量維持現狀﹐而且肯定不會加插煩人的pop-up彈出廣告﹐但擴 充方面或會推遲進行。

In addition to the regular operation expense, here below are some of the tentative plans that the money will be spent:

  • We are hoping to bring back "Interviews" section (in fact that is what we are struggling to do now). Therefore, part of the money will be used as the operation fee (e.g. transportation, equipments, etc.)

  • We also hope to restructure the website, part of the fund will be used to hire programmers to work on it.

Our goal is to raise enough fund for the operation of at least the next 6 months. However, since a lot of plans we want to carry out are for the long run, we do not have an exact amount in mind right now, and the donation campaign is going to be here for a long term. We sincerely hope that if you love our website and think it benefits you, please support by giving a donation.

As a side note, if the response of the donation campaign is unsatisfactory, we will, as long as our wallets haven't been depleted yet, still strive our best to keep the website active. We will still work best to provide frequent regular updates, and don't worry, no pop-up ads will appear on our website as usual. However, the new plans may not be able to carry out swiftly.




我們亦接受信用卡付款。閣下只需按下圖進入paypal贊助版面後﹐選取"If you do not currently have a paypal account"一項﹐便會被帶到另外一個版面﹐根據指示以信用卡付款。


Click the button below to make a donation via paypal.

Credit card is also accepted. Simply click the button below and then click "If you do not currently have a paypal account", it will lead you to another page where you can pay by credit card.

Thank you very much!
